Archive for May, 2017

Boaters Meeting – Wednesday 21st June – “Circumnavigation – Part 3”

Club News, Events | May 8th, 2017 | No comments yet

by Brian Palmer & Jackie Oakey


Previous instalments of Brian & Jackie’s 9-year circumnavigation have covered their exploration of rarely-visited parts of the Caribbean and their passage from Panama across the Pacific.



Now it’s time to complete the circuit back to Turkey, but that’s easier said than done!















Boaters Meeting – Wednesday 17th May – Trinity House: 500 Years of Royal Charter

Events | May 8th, 2017 | No comments yet

Returning to Boaters by popular request: trinityhouse-logo

Capt William Wells will describe the history of Trinity House, one of the world’s renowned maritime organisations.

Granted a Royal Charter by Henry VIII in 1514, the House had significant power and influence on the international maritime world throughout the centuries until major political changes were forced upon it in 1988.

Finally we’ll look at the roles of Trinity House in today’s international maritime world and take a pictorial tour through the House itself.

Boaters Events