Last Wednesday evening’s talk from Penny Tranter gave us an expert forecaster’s perspective on sailing weather, as well as a look behind the scenes at forecasting for the 2012 Olympics sailing events. In addition to the £250 donation from club funds, members put a total of £40.63 into the hat for Penny’s chosen charity, Endometriosis UK.
Our next evening meeting on Wednesday 18th November is the club’s Annual General Meeting. An information pack including agenda, proposals, and nominees for the committee will be distributed by email early in November but, before then, we need to have names from members interested in joining the committee to run the club for the next year.
Many of the current committee are happy to continue, but the committee is already under-strength so please put your name forward if you want to contribute to improving our club, simply Email: to register your interest!
The RYA Radar Course on Saturday 21st November still has a few places available. If you’re interested in joining us on the course, please contact the course organiser Martin Johnson at
Also we have further RYA Short Range VHF Radio Courses planned for Saturday 28th November and Saturday 12th December. Details of the course and how to apply are in the following post: New VHF Radio Course Dates 2015.
Now that it’s getting too cold / wet / gloomy for most of us to go sailing, it’s the perfect time to do some shore-based training and acquire these essential skills before next season’s sailing.