Archive for August, 2015

Boaters Update – August 2015

Club News | August 28th, 2015 | No comments yet

Our Summer Garden Party last Wednesday evening was well attended and enjoyed by all, despite the weather not being much like “summer” and keeping us in from the “garden”. Rachel’s team from the rugby club provided great food and service, and we look forward to the next time. Oh yes, I think the free-flowing Pimms may have helped too!

Wednesday 16th September will be the Skippers Panel where a panel of the club’s skippers will answer questions from the floor on any sailing topic. To make it a little more ‘spontaneous’ than last years event, we’re not looking to have questions submitted and considered in advance, but it would help the running of the evening to know that you have questions to ask.

So please email to advise the subject area of your question, eg. cruising areas; sail trim; chartering; anchoring techniques, etc. This evening will also be an opportunity for crews on the October sailing weekends to meet up and plan their cruise.

It’s not too late to find a place on our next Sailing weekends on the weekends of 2nd – 4th October and 16th – 18th October. Autumn weekend crews are normally organised directly by participating skippers but, if you’re interested in going but haven’t found your skipper, please contact the Cruising Secretary, Ken Lloyd, at as soon as possible so that your name is on the list and Ken can find you a place.

Training courses planned for the rest of this year are the one-day Radar course on Saturday 21st November (see previous post here for details and contact Martin Johnson if you’re interested) and the Day Skipper & Yachtmaster courses starting early in October (contact Dave Harris, our Training Coordinator on if you’re interested).

All our events can be found on the Boaters Events Calendar Boaters 2015 Events Calendar.pdf.

A reminder that Boaters members can buy tickets for the 2015 Southampton Boat Show from Friday 11th till Sunday 20th September at a discounted price, please contact for more details.

Boaters Meeting 21st October – “Sailing Weather” by Penny Tranter

Club News | August 20th, 2015 | No comments yet


Penny Tranter

As well as having had a distinguished career as a professional weather forecaster and presenter on TV, Penny has sailed since she was a teenager and has worked as a sailing instructor in New York State, and has crossed the Channel in a Force 9.

So she’s well able to tell us about forecasting weather for inshore sailing – including support for the 2012 Olympics!


One Day RYA Radar Course

Club News, Events, Training | August 12th, 2015 | No comments yet

radar course

In restricted visibility you are required to use all means available to avoid a collision.

If you are on a boat fitted with Radar you are required to use it for collision avoidance.

Are you capable?

If not join the next Radar course on a Saturday 21st November 2015

On the course you will cover:
• How to set the radar to give best picture
• How to identify potential collision situations.
• How to decide avoiding action.
• The course also includes sections on how radar sets work, how to navigate in restricted waters in the dark or fog, e.g. entering a harbour.
• Using a radar for position fixing.

No previous knowledge is required, the training is practical, using the latest Radar Simulation software packages. The course includes two work books.

Course costs: Members £60, non members £70, plus £15 for course books.

The class size is restricted to six students.

If you are interested have a chat about the course contact Martin Johnson at or 07941500 225

Boaters Events